Favorited Zo bouw je een open source infrastructuur voor een conferentie door Toon Toetenel (CTO PublicSpaces)

Afgelopen maand vond de Public Spaces conferentie plaats (ik was de eerste dag aanwezig). Dit jaar heeft de organisatie gezorgd dat boodschap en verpakking ook echt in overeenstemming waren. In een blogpost legt Toon Toetenel uit welke stappen ze daarvoor hebben genomen. Globaal langs de lijnen van de ladder van de Public Stack, met Jitsi, Matrix, Listmonk en ActivityPub/Mastodon. Mooie erkenning ook voor de nudge die Björn Wijers hen gaf dit nu eens goed te doen. Björn deelt die nudges vaker uit, ook bijvoorbeeld bij Open Nederland t.a.v. de videovergaderingen, en hij heeft gelijk. Tijd steken in het vroeg genoeg regelen ervan is vaak een obstakel, en goed dat Public Spaces er een voorbeeld in wil zijn. Ik ontmoette Björn ook op de conferentie overigens, de nudge betekende ook dat hij werd ingehuurd om mee te helpen.

Ja, een conferentie hosten zonder Big Tech en met open source tools is mogelijk. Het kost wel wat moeite om alles zelf op te zetten en aan elkaar te knopen maar dat is de investering meer dan waard.

Toon Toetenel van Public Spaces

Bookmarked K-9 Mail joins the Thunderbird family (K-9 Mail project lead cketti)

As I use K-9 on my Fairphone, and Thunderbird on my Mac, this news is of interest to me. Not sure what I think about it though. I can see the match, but also Mozilla hasn’t been great in maintaining its reputation and values. And it means a consolidation at a moment where if anything we probably need much wider diversification.

I’m very excited to announce that K-9 Mail is now part of the Thunderbird family 🎉….Once a certain level of functionality is reached, K-9 Mail will transform into Thunderbird on Android, and will be renamed accordingly.

Yesterday I presented to the European working group of the IHO, the international hydrographic organisation. The European working group consists of the national hydrographic services, which are regularly part of the navy of the respective countries.

The online meeting was hosted and chaired by the French Service hydrographique et océanographique de la Marine (SHOM), operating out of Brest. I was pleasantly surprised that this French government organisation used the open source tool Big Blue Button for the video conference.

Kudos for using open source in the public sector!

Favorited Shop local to fuel the Open Source dividend by Dries Buytaert

Dries describes the ‘shop local’ equivalent for open source, and how he and his company are experimenting with promoting that. Also mentions as example two organisations who make open source contributions part of the procurement requirements. Supporting Makers more than Takers.

In the small town where I live, some of the local businesses have “shop local” signs on their windows. They are reminders to support local businesses…we know that they are investing a portion of their profits back into our communities…. End users of Open Source software can help maximize the Open Source dividend by working with implementation partners that give back to Open Source. If more end users of Open Source took this stance, it would have a massive impact on Open Source sustainability and innovation.

Dries Buytaert

Some links I thought worth reading the past few days

  • Peter Rukavina pointed me to this excellent posting on voting, in the context of violence as a state monopoly and how that vote contributes to violence. It’s this type of long form blogging that I often find so valuable as it shows you the detailed reasoning of the author. Where on FB or Twitter would you find such argumentation, and how would it ever surface in a algorithmic timeline? Added Edward Hasbrouck to my feedreader : The Practical Nomad blog: To vote, or not to vote?
  • This quote is very interesting. Earlier in the conversation Stephen Downes mentions “networks are grown, not constructed”. (true for communities too). Tanya Dorey adds how from a perspective of indigenous or other marginalised groups ‘facts’ my be different, and that arriving a truth therefore is a process: “For me, “truth growing” needs to involve systems, opportunities, communities, networks, etc. that cause critical engagement with ideas, beliefs and ways of thinking that are foreign, perhaps even contrary to our own. And not just on the content level, but embedded within the fabric of the system et al itself.“: A conversation during EL30.mooc.ca on truth, data, networks and graphs.
  • This article has a ‘but’ title, but actually is a ‘yes, and’. Saying ethics isn’t enough because we also need “A society-wide debate on values and on how we want to live in the digital age” is saying the same thing. The real money quote though is “political parties should be able to review technology through the lens of their specific world-views and formulate political positions accordingly. A party that has no position on how their values relate to digital technology or the environment cannot be expected to develop any useful agenda for the challenges we are facing in the 21st century.” : Gartner calls Digital Ethics a strategic trend for 2019 – but ethics are not enough
  • A Dutch essay on post-truth. Says it’s not the end of truth that’s at issue but rather that everyone claims it for themselves. Pits Foucault’s parrhesia, speaking truth to power against the populists : Waarheidsspreken in tijden van ‘post-truth’: Foucault, ‘parrèsia’ en populisme
  • When talking about networked agency and specifically resilience, increasingly addressing infrastructure dependencies gets important. When you run decentralised tools so that your instance is still useful when others are down, then all of a sudden your ISP and energy supplier are a potential risk too: disaster.radio | a disaster-resilient communications network powered by the sun
  • On the amplification of hate speech. It’s not about the speech to me, but about the amplification and the societal acceptability that signals, and illusion of being mainstream it creates: Opinion | I Thought the Web Would Stop Hate, Not Spread It
  • One of the essential elements of the EU GDPR is that it applies to anyone having data about EU citizens. As such it can set a de facto standard globally. As with environmental standards market players will tend to use one standard, not multiple for their products, and so the most stringent one is top of the list. It’s an element in how data is of geopolitical importance these days. This link is an example how GDPR is being adopted in South-Africa : Four essential pillars of GDPR compliance
  • A great story how open source tools played a key role in dealing with the Sierra Leone Ebola crisis a few years ago: How Open Source Software Helped End Ebola – iDT Labs – Medium
  • This seems like a platform of groups working towards their own networked agency, solving issues for their own context and then pushing them into the network: GIG – we are what we create together
  • An article on the limits on current AI, and the elusiveness of meaning: Opinion | Artificial Intelligence Hits the Barrier of Meaning

Some links I think worth reading today.