Bookmarked Basic startpage guide (by

I read this one early morning this week and it made me realise I had overlooked something extremely obvious: I can have my browser start page be anything I want. I have an extremely deep dislike for any start page browsers come with. The paid listing of sponsored ‘handy’ links that aren’t, the overview of most visited sites which only puts your time sinks in front of you every time you open a browser window or tab. So all browsers I use have blank start pages. How can it be I overlooked for so long the obvious next step: define my own start page with links to things that are part of my everyday workflow. I always run a local webserver / mysql / php stack on my laptop, on which I run a variety of small tools that live in my bookmark list in my browser. I should put them in the start page. For years I had a local wiki page that did just that, but when I stopped using the wiki, I did away with the start page. Thanks to John Johnston for having this appear in my feed reader. I have now set it to a page that I use daily (providing stats on my notes), but will switch that to an overview of all small tools on my local webserver.

A startpage is the first thing you should see when you open your browser or create a new tab. … Creating your own startpage has several advantages … over using conventional homepages.

Favorited Chrome to limit full ad blocking extensions to enterprise users by 9to5Google

Google’s Chrome is not a browser, it’s advertisement delivery software. Adtech after all is where their profit is. This is incompatible with Doc SearlsCastle doctrine of browsers, so Chrome isn’t fit for purpose.

image by Matthew Oliphant, license CC BY ND

Google shared that Chrome’s current ad blocking capabilities for extensions will soon be restricted to enterprise users. SEC filing: “New and existing technologies could affect our ability to customize ads and/or could block ads online, which would harm our business.”

Some links I thought worth reading the past few days