In reply to Een rsvp op Seblog by Sebastiaan Andeweg

Have fun, it’s been a while since I visited (or rather organised) an IndieWebCamp. Dropped of the radar somewhat. Mostly as I was playing around with the local stuff that interacts with my website but isn’t my website, and with ActivityPub. Less IndieWeb in other words than indie personal tools. Didn’t feel those tangents fit the IndieWebCamp community or efforts.

Maybe we should organise an IndieWebCamp in NL at some point again?

I will be going to IWC Nuremburg this weekend.

Sebastiaan Andeweg

(also posted to Indienews)

Mid-september is het Nederlandse WordCamp, een tweedaagse bijeenkomst over alles dat WordPress is. Ik ben niet zozeer de doelgroep lijkt me, maar het oogt wel als een goede manier om de IndieWeb ervaringen van mijzelf als WordPress gebruikende blogger te gaan laten zien. Wie weet kan ik een lans breken voor het vaker adopteren van IndieWeb bouwstenen in WP themes, plugins of zelfs core. Daarom heb ik nadat ik de oproep bij co-organisatoren Marcel en Remkus tegenkwam deze dagen, me aangemeld als spreker. Ze zoeken nog meer sprekers en workshops, tot 1 juni kun je nog een voorstel indienen. Eind juni hoor je dan meer.

Ongeacht dat voorstel is het misschien ook de moeite waard om te kijken of er iets meer te organiseren is, zoals een homebrew website meet-up of zelfs een IndieWebCamp. Daar moet ik nog even over nadenken.

Nâchste Woche Donnerstag 11.11. findet in Düsseldorf ein IndieWebCamp statt. Das Programm startet um 9 Uhr, und endet 15:15. Es ist also eine Kurzfassung von einem ‘normalen’ zweitâgigen IndieWebCamp. Es findet am Tag nach der Beyond Tellerrand Konferenz statt. Beyond Tellerrand ist am 8.11-10.11. Leider habe ich am Nachmittag einen wichtigen Termin in Utrecht, sonst wäre ich gerne nach Düsseldorf gefahren um dabei zu sein. Es ist schon lange her, September 2019, das ich zuletzt an einem IndieWebCamp teilnahm. Das IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf findet in der Zentralbibliothek statt, am Konrad Adenauer Platz. Teilnehmer registrieren sich hier.

I’m participating in the IndieWebCamp East 2020. It’s nominally held on US East Coast, but as everything else, it’s online. The 6 hr time difference makes it doable to take in at least part of it.

Day 1 started with two cool talks. The second talk was by Sarah Hibner about Variable Fonts. Her talk explains it all very well, so do scroll through her talk. In brief variable fonts are a single font file that contains all varieties of a font (whereas normally you’d load regular, italic, bold separately), and also allows custom varieties. That last bit, custom varieties, is where a bit of magic is, because you can have shape shifting font, and it will all be just one font file. An animated galloping horse was shown, and it is actually a font, where each of the ‘frames’ is a variant within the font. I don’t have a use case for this, but it did look like a lot of fun and rather hypnotising!

I’m participating in the IndieWebCamp East 2020. It’s nominally held on the US East Coast, but as everything else, it’s online. The 6 hr time difference makes it doable to take in at least part of it.

The first introductory talk today was by David Dylan Thomas, which I thoroughly enjoyed. He’s a content strategist, and took acknowledging the existence of cognitive biases (and the difficulty of overcoming them, even if you try to) as a perspective on content strategy. How do you design to mitigate bias? How do you use bias to design for good? It’s been the basis for his podcast series.

A short 106 page book was published this fall, and after the talk I bought it and uploaded it to my reader. Looking forward to reading it!

RSVPed Attending IndieWebCamp East

I intend to take part in IndieWebCamp East this weekend. As it’s all remote, I hope to join part of the program at least late afternoon and evening here in my CET time zone. Thinking about using the time to either contine work on restyling this site as ‘no garden no stream but something in between‘, or going through my blog archive to see which presentation slide decks still need to be brought home, and ensuring the site where they reside ( for Dutch slides, for international slides) gets its own styling.