A pretty regular week, with a surprise dusting of snow on Thursday and Friday.

This week I

  • Got my booster vaccination (3 months postponed due to catching the virus late last year), which resulted in an unexpected conversation
  • Spent time with a retirement advisor to create retirement funding for our employees
  • Did multiple in-depth interviews with operational examples of digital twin use for the built environment, focusing on any obstacles, and their solutions, in sharing data into and out of a digital twin, where multiple stakeholders, domains etc are involved.
  • Had the weekly client meetings
  • Did multiple other interviews with large dataholders like the Cadastral Office, and ministerial departments, on finding practical cases around data use in multi-stakeholder multi-domain settings.
  • Did some preparation for a geo-data conference I will be participating in next week
  • Had an informal meet-up with the team for the national reference architecture for digital twins for the built environment, now that the first phase is complete. Interesting conversations I want to follow up on in the coming weeks.
  • Signed a new hire, who will start in May, after last weeks decision two sign two candidates
  • Went for lunch in town with the three of us
  • Prepared a presentation for the ‘Microblog Readers Republic’, a group of book readers having monthly conversations about books, and how we learn from them. A good exercise in writing down how my actual work flow for reading and annotation etc is shaped. The session itself is tonight around midnight, due to the sum of both European and New-Zealand shifts in daylight saving time conspiring to move the meeting two hours from its previous time.
  • Generally spent too much time tracking news about Russia’s war on Ukraine