After delivering the major client report last weekend, which took me multiple weeks to write, this last week was intended as a time to recover, but it didn’t turn out that way. I’m still tired and cranky, and generally not in a good place, resulting in an unproductive and unsatisfying week. Not sure how I can get myself out of this funk. Meanwhile unexpected developments have upped the stress. However, writing my week notes is unescapable, if only because these weekly postings have been elevated as ‘the gold standard‘ of week notes 😀
This week I
- Spent half a day in a client conference call discussing the report. We didn’t even get halfway through the agenda. More to come Monday.
- Discussed an ongoing project with a province and its potential extension to the end of the year.
- Had an MT ‘breakfast’ meeting
- Reconnected to the Digital Transformation work for another province, and participated in a webinar on the potential role of AI for their work
- Did the May invoicing
- Had three meetings with the board of the NGO I’m chairing to come up with a way of dealing with some unexpected developments
- Saw Y go to school for the first time
- Enjoyed the new garden loungers at the water terrace that got delivered last week
- Explored the Nova2 e-ink reader I got myself
- Picked berries