A week in which I started feeling much better than last week. Mentioning here and to my colleagues I was in a funk and discussing it at home helped me to get out of it.

  • I wrote a document outlining an extension of a current assignment
  • Took care of Y while she was at home with a bit of a cold
  • Had a conference call with the EC discussing our interim report for the EU High Value data list
  • Discussed the EU High Value data work with the Dutch Ministry for the Interior, and the Dutch Statistics Office
  • Spent a day in video calls with a client
  • Listening to music helped my mood
  • Took an afternoon walk with E and Y
  • Discussed connecting a CKAN open data platform to a Province’s data infrastructure
  • Had a board meeting with the Open State Foundation in Amsterdam working out plans for the coming 6 months. The first meeting in over 3 months I had in person.
  • Read a non-fiction book. Having the Nova2 helps me separate between reading for relaxation and reading, I noticed
  • Participated in the general assembly of the Dutch chapter for ISOC, where I briefly (as right at that moment the Jitsi connection became spotty) reported on their 2019 financial report, having checked the books for them
  • Spent a lovely Sunday in the Hoge Veluwe national park and the Kröller-Müller museum, organised as a surprise by E

The Jardin d’email by Jean Dubuffet has been reopened after restoration. Y enjoyed it enormously, running around

Cycling through the national park