A great effect of spending a day in the same room with 20 or so more geeking inclined others, is you get a lot of examples, tools and services mentioned. And geek is as geek does, I try them out on the spot. Today this helped me become aware that something is wrong on my server with the OAuth authentication I run. I thought that it was working fine, as it is no problem to actually use it, for instance to log in with my own domain name at the IndieWeb wiki. But when interacting with my micropublishing endpoint not all goes well.

Today I noticed that:

  • When I try to post from Micropublish.net, I can log in at micropublish.net, but when I try to post I get an ‘unauthorized’ error
  • When I try to use the Omnibear Firefox add-on it authorises ok, but then endlessly tries to load the list of syndication targets
  • When I use Quill to post, it posts fine, but does not load the list of syndication targets

Those missing syndication targets (now that I understand what they are from todays sessions) was what first caught my eye. Testing the micropublish endpoint on my server myself I got the correct response, but Quill turned out to get ‘unauthorized’ as response for that request, just like micropublish.net got for posting.

The endpoint gives a correct response

In WordPress my IndieAuth plugin has a diagnostic tool, and running that, it turns out an authorisation header is not send out.

Which seems to be causing the problems. Reading in the links provided it seems like with XML-RPC, my hoster is actively blocking that header. [UPDATE: It is not, it’s just not available in the way the server currently runs PHP] Resulting in exactly the same experience as I had with XML-RPC, that it seems to be only half working (namely the ‘safe’ uses work, while the rest fails). There’s a work around, renaming the headers that get send out, and implementing that work-around is a thing for me to do tomorrow. To see if I can get around being unauthorised. [UPDATE: That workaround did not work until now]