The first working week after the Christmas break, and school started again. I had planned to take at least half a day to do a full braindump and review of all things that are going on, but I immediately got sucked into all kinds of things. So in the coming week I will aim to do that but more piecemeal. The week started out freezing and both E and Y had the opportunity to go skating.
This week I
- Started with an internal day, in which I had a meeting with my business partners, had the weekly all hands call in which I gave the first estimate of the yearly bonus (At least 10% of any turnover above the budgeted break-even point), and had a conversation with a colleague reflecting on their development and growth last year, and plans for this year.
- Did the last invoicing for 2023
- Had the weekly client meetings
- Explored the plans and activities around the European language data space.
- Planned several conversations for the coming weeks.
- Spent a day at our office, for another reflective conversation with a colleague and where our team also spent time learning to play and moderate a board game called ‘Moral design game’, which was fun.
- Had a meet-up of the coalition of digital ethics, which is part of the national government agenda for the digital society. I’m representing the provinces in the coalition.
- Had a conversation with the digital ethics team of one of the Dutch electricity network maintainers, discussing a potential digital ethics leadership course.
- Had an internal meeting planning the activities for our support work for the interprovincial digital ethics committee.
- Spoke with people from the Great Project, who are preparing the creation of the Green Deal Data Space, to provide them with a good overview of Dutch government use cases in that data space.
- Did a planning session for a brief project I will do for the provinces, sketching a roadmap for a potential spatial planning data space.
- With Y did quite a bit of clearing and cleaning in the attic on Friday. So today I finally had the opportunity to attach hanging rails to a wall and hang some of our art work.
- Had headaches for some days. felt very tired and sluggish the last days of the week, and spent the full Saturday afternoon sleeping, which helped.