A pretty regular week, with nice weather during the weekend.
This week I
- Started preparing for a training on the use of data w.r.t. corruption and integrity, which I will provide in two weeks time for an international group of government officials and NGO employees from around the world
- Prepared two presentations on the European legal framework for data
- Had the weekly client meetings
- Got about half way with replacing Flickr embeds (half way in terms of postings, not images)
- Sat in on an interesting presentation on energy transition by Arash Aazami, which I need to look for online and rewatch
- Started ordening and reading the EU Green Deal legal package, to find the connections with the EU legal framework for data.
- Met with Y’s teacher face to face for a conversation about how Y is doing
- Couldn’t make our monthly all hands meeting, this time actually face to face in Amsterdam, but did join the group for the end of the afternoon and a shared Indian dinner.
- Gave the two presentations I prepared earlier in the week
- Took care of Y for a full day, as she had two days of while her teacher was going on a training
- Removed my LinkedIn timeline
- Decided on a date for a next Dutch Obsidian users meet-up, on October 9th
- Went to the frame maker with E and Y to pick up two framed photos by Elliott Erwitt, two large posters we bought at the Louisiana museum in the summer, and the especially beuatifully framed Hockney print by the RA for E’s birthday.
- Gave all the newly framed artwork a place in our home.
- As the weather was very nice today, I spent time in the garden doing some pruning.
Picasso’s mother and child, poster of the Louisiana exhibition Mor! The other Louisiana poster we got framed was an A0 sized poster of ‘Dagen Efter’ by Mamma Andersson