This final week of January rounds of a month that felt hectic and too chaotic, which I found highly uncomfortable. So today I took some time to review all the stuff on my plate to have a February that feels like I’m more on top of things.
This week I
- helped Elmine create a canvas to develop the work she’s been doing for my company on information hygiene into a proposition for others
- did half a dozen in depth interviews about meteorological data and earth observation data in Europe as part of our research for the new EU open data legislation
- Facilitated a workshop on the ethics of data collection and usage around the Amsterdam Arena
- Worked on circular economy, procurement, and office location related digital transformation projects for a province
- Had a MT meeting with my company
- Had a general assembly of Open Nederland, the driving force behind the Dutch Creative Commons chapter, of which I am the treasurer
- Had an emergency visit to the dentist which luckily turned out easy to resolve
- Met up with Y’s grandparents and cousins for dinner in Haarlem
- Did the Q4 VAT bookkeeping and returns
- Took half a day to get a better overview of ongoing work and aims for the coming months
This week in …… 1654*
The play Lucifer by Joost van den Vondel saw its premiere. It was prohibited 3 days later, right after its second performance. Only two centuries later did the play get performed on stage again. Below a poster announcing a 1910 edition of the play, made by Richard Nicolaüs Roland Holst. (public domain)
(* I show an openly licensed image with each Week Notes posting, to showcase more open cultural material. See here why, and how I choose the images for 2020.)