Heading into the last two busy weeks before all goes quiet until the end of the year. This week was full and busy.

  • Spent two days with the great Frysklab team working on the Impact through Connection projects / Networked Agency method.
  • Stayed over in Leeuwarden for a night
  • Worked on procurement conditions concerning open data for a client
  • Worked on research design concerning transparency rankings
  • Discussed a World Bank project in Malaysia
  • Joined an online board meeting of a NGO I will be joining (more end of next week)
  • Did some bookkeeping
  • Worked on a data governance improvement project for a province

A random public domain photo from the National Archives to close off the week.

Torenstraat, Leeuwarden, 1969. The right hand side has since been torn down and replaced by city hall.