Another unhurried week, with amongst others work done on
- Meeting with a provincial council clerk and deputy clerk about open provincial council data
- Discussing future collaboration ideas with the Frisian library service
- Open data working group meeting in Fryslan, planning the next data release
- Session with the Province of Fryslan on using the fall open data release to support their energy transition program
- Catching up with a British colleague talking about unhurriedness, and planning a next meet-up of our ‘friends of Tim’ group (we met twice last year in memory of Tim’s passing)
- Catching up with a French colleague discussing open data developments in France and francophone Africa
- Discussing a shared list of data sets to be published by all 12 Dutch provinces, representing two provinces in a meeting of 10 provinces and the national data portal team.
- Discussing the master thesis project a student, Rik, is doing as an intern at The Green Land
- Revising an open data program proposal for the Malaysian government
- Reviewing two country chapters on Netherlands and Belgium of a European research project
- Started deleting my Facebook data, and revising the way I use FB
- Restored my garden sensor hub in its proper place and started using a ThingsNode to measure temperature in our bike shed, writing the data to a spreadsheet with IFTTT in the way Peter Rukavina documented earlier this week.
- Announced the Smart Stuff That Matters unconference and bbq for August, in honor of Elmine’s birthday