There’s this little thing in the LinkedIn UI that keeps tripping me up, and that I find highly irritating.

After an event I’ve participated in I usually search some of the participants on LinkedIn, to connect to them. Sometimes there’s a number of people with the same name. So I click on a name, and then to make sure that it’s the right person I sometimes click on the profile pic, to see if I recognise them from the call or meeting I just left. That enlarged profile pic is presented as a floating overlay, and it features a prominent X on the top right to close it. Great, so I click the X to close the image, returning to the profile, and then if it is the wrong person I click the browser back button to get back to search results. But clicking the back button in the browser _reopens_ the profile pic! The X in the image suggests that’s the way to close it, and I automatically do because it’s so routine, but opening the profile pic gets written to the browser history / back button. So the most effective behaviour for me would be to click the browser’s back button immediately after I’ve opened a profile pic and ignore the big X LinkedIn shows me. LinkedIn, remove the X in the image, or remove writing opening the image to the browser back button!

A video showing the UI behaviour.

(My apologies to Frank for using him as unwitting participant for demonstration purposes. No profiles were harmed in the production of this video.)