I just sent in two proposals for BlogTalk Reloaded, the conference that will take place in Vienna in Octobre.

The first is building on my entry for the G.O.R. conference in Bielefeld last month. I plan to do interviews with people to see how their information strategies have changed when dealing with information overload. Looking at communicative goals and the need to support relationships at different social distances will provide clues to avenues for the further development of social software tools so that they are useful for supporting information strategies in complex settings.

The second proposal is a co-production of Elmine and me. We want to share the story of the co-evolution between the emergent community/network of the IFCCC and the PatchworkPortal we use for our on-line interactions. To share the story of how it developed in the past 18 months, the lessons learned, and demonstrate the current use of the PatchworkPortal.

Now, we have to wait until June to hear how the conference programme will take shape.