It felt like an intensive week, mostly because of several intensive meetings and workshops, with quite a bit of preparation and several sessions in preparation for the coming week as well. I was very tired at the end of it, and didn’t get around to writing my week notes at the usual time. A week later they’re still week notes though.

Last week I

  • Discussed our efforts to land work for 2024 with my business partners.
  • Started doing the monthly invoicing.
  • Had a board meeting of Open Nederland, the Dutch Creative Commons chapter.
  • Had the weekly client meetings.
  • Prepared and facilitated the quarterly meeting of the Dutch government tactical council on the EU data strategy. Good discussions both on the Green Deal Data Space and the Health Data Space.
  • After preparations earlier in the week, in The Hague facilitated two workshops to explain the Interprovincial Ethics Committee’s work and the findings in their ChatGPT/generative AI advice of last July at the IPO annual conference. This was a conference of mostly the political level of provinces (provincial parliament and the political executives) and as we had elections earlier this year, many were new. All in all a good opportunity to make the committee visible.
  • Picked Y up from her Wednesday drawing lessons that she enjoys a lot. She wanted me to pick her up so she could show me around and show her work.
  • Prepared an AI ethics workshop for next week with colleagues I and F.
  • Participated in the meeting of the ethics working group of the provinces.
  • Discussed our organisational structures with colleague J.
  • Had a very good conversation with colleague F about mental health at work
  • Went to Utrecht by train on Saturday with the three of us. It was ‘children’s books week’ and we visited the Broese bookstore for Y to stock up on new reading material. Also went by the Lego store on the way back to the railway station, as they always have some sort of game and building challenge to do.
  • Created a lot of book notes, and went through the house to improve my list of unread fiction books that we have on paper. If I don’t remind myself I have them, I forget to read them.

The interior, looking out, at ‘t Koffieboontje, a coffee place in Utrecht we visited after E had scouted for a new place to try out. We had brought in our book haul for Y by that time already, so we were relaxed.