Due to 5 weeks of school closure because of the pandemic, I am spending my afternoons with Y. The mornings remain for work, but I did not do much of that this week. The second half of the week I called in sick. I can’t concentrate on much of anything, and needed time to myself. At least I succeeded in giving myself a little bit of structure (scaffolding rather) which hopefully gets me through next week with a bit more energy.
A few things I did do:
- Had our monthly all hands meeting concerning finance and project acquisition
- Had a client team meeting
- Discussed improving data use for inter-administrative supervision with a client
- Had the kick-off meeting for a new project, citizen science community building around the topic of air quality
- Received the written confirmation for a year long assignment as the secretary of an intergovernmental group looking at how to best implement European data regulations, and how to best build on its opportunities or how to deal with its drawbacks.
- Played in the snow with Y and E, using the very short time before it melted well
@ton Hang in there! I hope next week is better for you.
@adoran2 Thank you Andrew!