Started syncing my notes/notions markdown files to my phone through Nextcloud. On my phone currently using iAWriter as a markdown editor, but not sure if I’ll stick with it (partially as it seems to carry a 30 Euro price tag, which seems high and makes me wonder if there’s something I’m missing). What are your experiences with markdown editors on Android?
Have you had a look at NextCloud Notes?
(I’m and iPhone user myself so no personal experience)
The Nextcloud editor might be a little bit bare-bones, but it might do the trick – not sure how fancy you want things to be.
Maybe Markor might suit you better if Notes is too simplistic: .
I was a happy user of Nextcloud Notes on Android until I decamped to iOS (where I use Cloudnotes).
I found the Nextcloud Notes developer uncommonly responsive.
Thanks all, I’ve installed NextCloud Notes. All I need is basic markdown support so NextCloud Notes works fine.