This week didn’t feel very productive. Lots of various stuff to think about, meant I did less focus work. Some of the things this week I did spend time on.

  • Open data work for the Province of Overijssel, meeting some departmental heads
  • Had a preparatory meeting for upcoming work in Serbia for the UNDP early March, and wrote a first draft for how to approach it
  • Provided feedback on a project proposal for an open data readiness assessment by the Palestinian NGO Leaders.
  • Made a first draft for a planned talk at the Open Belgium 2018 Conference
  • Discussed a potential project in Georgia
  • Made a short video on using data sharing and open data as a way to find out things you don’t know yet about your core client group, as part of a proposal for project in health care.
  • Activated a Things Network gateway, and reached out to the local community group to get more involved