Elmine and I almost always buy books we want to read. I used to have a library card, but as I was always late returning the books, buying them in the end was cheaper than the mounting library fines. Since we are also both avid readers, our house holds quite a number of dead trees with stories printed on them. When we moved house last year the movers planned a full extra day just to pack up our books.
In my blogpostings I regularly refer to books I own or have read, and there is a (sleeping) section in the right side bar giving some hint of what I am currently reading. However I would like to be able to refer to books more easily than always having to hunt down the link to Amazon again.
So I have opened a book blog, where I post books from our book case with a little description of what I think about it, or where I got it. They all link back to Amazon sites or the Dutch Bol.com site, so if you buy a book through here, I will get a few cents. Let’s see if we can top the 17$ I made last year on Amazon referrals 🙂 I also put the last 2 postings in the right hand side bar.
There is not a lot there yet, it will be a slow process I guess, and most of it is currently SF, as I started with a meter of those. But it will grow over time. Slow time that is, as discussed in the latest Bookblog posting about Eriksen’s book Tyranny of the Moment.
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