Anjo Anjewierden comes with three postings aptly titled Passion and Profession

Passion and Profession I
Passion and Profession II
Passion and Profession III (which is a nice encore about language being a barrier or not.)

He and Lilia and Stephanie have been working on using linking data and especially words and concepts used in postings to try and figure out whether or not blogger communities emerge and exist. To me Passion and Profession have a strong connection, so I am not really surprised by pretty pictures like the one in this posting.

It states more or less what I felt were my blogosphere-surroundings. Intriguing nonetheless, especially if you start dreaming about the applications you could build on this if communities are traceable by spidering this way! So Anjo, don’t worry about sending spiders to my door to gather your data! I also certainly like the way your work has been evolving in this area since you first showed us gathered data at Blogwalk back in March 2004, and later at BlogTalk 2.

One reaction on “Passion and Profession

  1. How to Get P2P Social Networking

    During BarCamp Amsterdam last Friday I prepared a few sheets that in the end I didn’t use. As everybody was busy coding or already in a presentation, and by the end of the afternoon everybody was starting to concentrate on…

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