To some of you this might be extremely old hat, for others this might be fun to experiment with. During Blogwalk last week, Stephanie showed us one of the virtual world environments HumLab is experimenting with. It’s called Traveler, and available from Digital Space. I remember seeing this before, I think it must have at least 6 years back, but then the connection was way too slow to yield an interesting experience, and I didn’t see much use for it. This time I was impressed a lot more. Probably because it speaks to my geeky side a lot, and that always helps, but also because when Stephanie showed us this 3D-virtual world with real time speech, we immediately decided on an experiment with it.


In the coming weeks, we will try and recreate the Blogwalk meeting we had last week in Sweden, and continue the work we did. This as addendum to the wiki. Currently I am learning how to use the space, and getting comfortable in it. I will contact the others that were there in Umea to make sure they install it and set up a meeting.
I am specifically curious to see if Traveler allows us to use Open Space technology effectively, and/or for instance more common meeting formats.
The picture shows a screenshot of the entrance of OzWorld one of the virtual worlds available.
[Addendum: one of Humlabs interesting people is Jim Barrett, who works on narratives in virtual worlds. His blog is Soul Sphincter]

5 reactions on “Traveler in Virtual Worlds

  1. Interview with Oz

    Here�s an interview with Oz of OzGate, our contact and good friend in the graphical 3D environment Traveler: When the screen ceases to exist. The interview is by Elisabet M Nilsson, Raketa, and it touches upon many of the questions…

  2. I’ll be happy to meet with you and/or your group to help you familiarize yourselves with Traveler. Also, if any of your group needs tech support you can always write That letter will hit several of our staff and assure a timely response. Please consider me a resource, I love to help good people !!!

  3. Wiki wiki bus and conference blogging

    There are things that can make you smile after 2 flights, 18 hours in planes, jetlag and all other things that I’d call downside of travel.

  4. Open Space online

    Ever since BlogWalk2 I thought of the possibility to adapt the Open Space technology for being used online. Of course, it wasn’t the same – a lot of its special flavour would have been lost, but still…

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