It seems I can now indeed post to my site from Quill and use the syndication list, having solved the header authorization issues I had from running php as fastcgi.
[UPDATE: indeed, testing the IndieAuth plugin, now gives positive results, as opposed to when I tried to do this at IndieWebCamp last fall.
Aim: run Quill locally, to write draft posts offline (and later maybe see if I can store drafts locally).
(I run MAMP PRO on my Mac, I also run a WordPress install locally, with all IndieWeb plugins enabled and a Sempress theme)
I downloaded, installed in http://localhost:8888/quill
The installation instructions mention using Composer to install a range of dependencies. I did not know what that was, so had to Google around to find out it is a tool to install php dependencies. I followed the instructions at to install Composer on my Mac.
Then I could call the URL http://localhost:8888/quill/public/index.php ok.
However it doesn’t load images correctly and links don’t work as they are relative to http://localhost:8888/ and not http://localhost:8888/quill/public
Aaron, who created Quill, told me Quill expects to run as a root domain.
So: I added a host quill.test on port 80 in my MAMP set-up, with the /public as root folder. Now Quill loads fine and URLs work.
To get it to work right with mysql on my laptop I added a database called quill. I first had created new user, but that didn’t work. So I used an existing root user for that. I had to also run this sql query to create a table in the database that Quill uses.
After that it worked fine. Next up, thinking about how I’d like to change Quill, as an offline tool for me to prepare postings. Also want to experiment with using it to post to different blogs.
Frank, I further noticed that as your test posting doesn’t have a title, there is no permalink to it on your blog’s front page as part of your lay-out. I could only get to the permalink by clicking the next posting, and then hit the ‘previous posting’ link. (On my blog the timestamp of a posting is also the permalink, as is the title)