An unhurried and fun week.

  • Worked on a project hand-over for a province
  • Discussed and adapted a project proposal for a province I recently submitted
  • Had a team conference call finalising the methodology to start interviewing 6 Serbian government bodies.
  • Worked on the outline of an impact assessment for open data in Serbia
  • Wrote a data protection policy for my blog, as a form of ‘action research’
  • Looked into the needed GDPR changes to my company’s website.
  • Took part in an energising ‘kitchen table’ conversation at the invitation of Ewout Wolff, discussing the internet as it now is, and things to improve
  • Had a first face to face conversation with Bert Boerland of Wunderkraut, exploring shared interests.
  • Provided the final summary at the fun closing event of our Flevoland Smarter program, in which we worked with 4 local governments on specific use cases of open data.
  • Made some notes and did travel arrangements for next month’s speaking engagement at State of the Net in Trieste
  • Agreed to present the opening key-note at the Dutch FOSS4G community annual conference in July.
  • Enjoyed our garden, and its wildlife, as a workplace, and enjoyed hanging out with the family, amongst other things visiting the local zoo.