Time flies, and we’re already well in our fourth week in Cambridge, so here’s a quick look what the third week brought.

Working from Johnnie’s great garden.

The third week started with going into London, where I met Andrew Stott for lunch at the Institute of Directors on Pall Mall. The club and society culture of London always amazes me. We discussed Open Data around the globe, and talked about our contribution to the upcoming OKCon in Geneva next month.
Afterwards I hopped from coffee place to coffee place, doing some work and writing, before picking up Elmine who came into London later, at Covent Garden. Together we met up with our old university friend Wouter, over beers and good food (which included a reprise of the great Cardo goat cheese).

The next day (Friday) went by quickly attempting to jump through the administrative hoops for an EU tender, before again heading to London for lunch at Central St. Giles. This time it was Brazilian food with an Icelandic friend, Smari, while discussing FabLabs, Making, open hardware, and his now funded Indiegogo project Mailpile. Mailpile sounds very promising, including bringing network analysis to my inbox. “When the world suddenly decides to give you over a hundred thousand dollars that is amazing but also daunting.”

Central St. Giles, and Fleet Street

Later that afternoon, after working from a French cafe in SoHo and browsing some bookstores at Charing Cross road I met up with some other university friends who happened to be in London for the weekend visting the aforementioned Wouter.

Saturday was dedicated to Johnnies birthday preparations and properly celebrating his birthday, with his family coming over for the evening. Too much cake, sugar, and wine, made for a tough Sunday morning, even though as every day it was beautifully clear.

Sugar overload at Johnnie’s birthday, and a 1985 Sinclair electric bike in the wild in Cambridge (the 80’s Segway!)

After the weekend it was three days of solid work with conference calls, working on the mentioned tender, the Triangulation project, finalizing our 2012 tax documents, and a TOP Innosense project, as well as planning work trips to Geneva, Aachen, Frankfurt, Brussels and Ljubljana, all in the coming 8 weeks. That, and planning for Elmines birthday this Friday! (hard, as I am really not good at keeping secrets: usually I arrange for multiple presents in case I can’t keep my mouth shut about one) We also decided to spend the last four days of our month here together in London. Stay tuned for one more week in the UK!