I am happy to hear that Amsterdam based start-up Wakoopa announced yesterday it landed additional funding from two VC’s. The money will be used to take a CEO on board, for which they will visit California next week to talk to people, and to improve their service. In the words of Robert Gaal, the social aspects of the service can be improved, as well as the functional aspects (tracking web services as well e.g.). (See Emerce for dutch article)

Wakoopa allows you to socially share the software I use. This has several interesting applications, like finding interesting and useful software, solve problems with your software, and read reviews by others.
In a more business like setting think of tracking how much of your costly software licenses are actually used, self-help when rolling out new software in your firm, and one that is of high interest to me: seeing the actual working routines people have, how people switch between tools, how they form their personal work environment. It has showed me for instance I have a few tools that I use only for seconds at a time, but are crucial to the flow of my work (such as being able to resize a photo in 5 secs). Understanding your personal workflow is essential to getting things done.

Logged >1400 hours in >200 applications

I am excited about Wakoopa starting to track web services as well, as they are an increasing part of my work-environment. Now it merely says I spend about 3/4 of my time in my browser, but I know it is much more granular than that. Wakoopa is part of my daily toolset, and the mentioned improvements will make sure it will stay that way for some time yet. A big thumbs up for Robert, Wouter and the soon to be growing Wakoopa Crew.

Last week’s profile: 71% is browser, and you can tell I have been giving a presentation

2 reactions on “Wakoopa Lands Additional Funding For Improving Their Service

  1. i used a competing one of these for a while, and then stopped.
    there’s something appealing about having something passively watch what you are doing and make suggestions about how to do it better, but alas for the competing product the feedback loop was too tight, and I ended up being overly self-conscious about my activity.
    there’s a story of a scientist (again, somewhere I saw a picture on the net, but I can’t remember who) who had half a dozen clocks hooked up to switches, and when you came into his office to talk to him he asked what it was about and then turned on the appropriate clock to time the activity.

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