On day 2 of the Reboot conference Elmine Wijnia and I hosted a conversation session around the topic ‘Owning Your Own Learning Path’. We graciously got two timeslots for this, and we enjoyed the beautiful weather in Copenhagen by doing the session outside on the grass in front of Kedelhallen.
We introduced the session on the Reboot site like this:
What does it take to be the owner of your own learning path, so that you can reach your goals?
And if we can say something useful about that learning path, does that give us the means to pro-actively shape the social software tools that give us the affordances we need?
During the session we started out with our rudimentary model, that we created in cooperation with Valeri Souchkov (also see my previous posting on this) The good comments we got on our proposal at the Reboot site got incorporated into our session, by mapping them on our model as examples.
Click the picture to see an annotated version of this model.
The transcripts of the post-it notes that we created during the session, and sorted along the lines of our model are now on-line.
If you have been at the session, please add your name to the list on the above link if you’re not already mentioned there.
photo by Jonathan Marks (originally licensed Creative Commons in 2007, but now listed as all rights reserved).
This posting is just to announce that the post-its have been transcribed. I will write more about the session itself.