This is an AppleScript I wrote to automatically post weekly overviews of bookmarks I made in Evernote, as a Suggested Reading post on my WordPress blog.
set singletaglist to {}
set multitaglist to {}
set alltaglist to {}
set allbulletlist to {}
--get the notes from Evernote
tell application "Evernote"
set query_string to "notebook:\"linklog\" created:day-7" --get notes since last week
set notities to find notes query_string --gives you list of relevant notes
set notenum to count of notities
repeat with notitie in notities
--for every note fetch title, tags and source
set titel to title of notitie
set bron to source URL of notitie
set taglist to tags of notitie
set numtags to number of items in taglist
--the taglist needs to be processed
repeat with counter from 1 to numtags
set tagtest to name of item counter of taglist
--if tag already encountered it goes to multitaglist
if (number of items in alltaglist is 0) then
copy tagtest to end of alltaglist
if (alltaglist contains tagtest) then
copy tagtest to end of multitaglist
--if not encountered it goes to all tags
copy tagtest to end of alltaglist
end if
end if
end repeat
--fetch content and cut down to first line
set inhoud to ENML content of notitie --gets you en xml, we want text between
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "
" --text to the right of
set tinhoud to text item 2 of sinhoud
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set inhoud to ""
set sinhoud to ""
set thisbullet to {titel, bron, tinhoud} --list of this particual ever note
set end of allbulletlist to thisbullet
end repeat
end tell
-- we got what we need from Evernote
-- we now have a list of all items, but need to look at tags to create the title of post
-- I want a title like Suggested reading: tag1, tag2, tag3 and more
-- where two tags are used more than once and one just once
-- alltaglist contains all tags used, multitaglist contains all tags occurring multiple times
-- now create a list of tags that are used once (basically alltags minus multitags)
set allnum to number of items in alltaglist
set doubles to number of items in multitaglist
repeat with counter from 1 to allnum
if (multitaglist does not contain item counter of alltaglist) then copy item counter of alltaglist to end of singletaglist
end repeat
set singles to number of items in singletaglist
--I need 3 tags for the title, two used more than once, and one single. Unless there's not enough.
set posttitle to "Suggested Reading: "
if (allnum < 4) then -- too few tags, use them all repeat with counter from 1 to allnum - 1 set posttitle to posttitle & item counter of alltaglist & ", " end repeat set posttitle to posttitle & item allnum of alltaglist & " and more" else -- at least four tags available set takedouble to 2 --default value if (doubles < 2) then --take from doubles what possible set takedouble to doubles --0 or 1 end if if (singles = 0) then -- take all from doubles set takedouble to 3 end if --in all other cases default value works -- with value of takedouble now build posttitle if (takedouble = 3) then -- take first & last, and in the middle from doubles set middlelist to round doubles / 2 rounding up set posttitle to posttitle & item 1 of multitaglist & ", " & item middlelist of multitaglist & ", " & item doubles of multitaglist & " and more" end if if (takedouble = 2) then -- take first & last from doubles, first from singles set posttitle to posttitle & item 1 of multitaglist & ", " & item 1 of singletaglist & ", " & item doubles of multitaglist & " and more" end if if (takedouble = 1) then -- take first from doubles, first and last from singles set posttitle to posttitle & item 1 of multitaglist & ", " & item 1 of singletaglist & ", " & item singles of singletaglist & " and more" end if if (takedouble = 0) then -- take first middle & last,from singles set middlelist to round singles / 2 rounding up set posttitle to posttitle & item 1 of singletaglist & ", " & item middlelist of singletaglist & ", " & item singles of singletaglist & " and more" end if end if -- we now can start building the blog posting -- title is available posttitle -- now let's build the html for the posting --first opening line and start of UL set blogpostext to "
Some links I thought worth reading the past few days
- "
- " & item 3 of listitem & ": " & item 1 of listitem & "
--for each bullet in bulletlist a new LI
--with the blurb, and the title as href to the link
repeat with listitem in allbulletlist
set thislisitem to "
set blogpostext to blogpostext & thislisitem
end repeat
--end the ul started at the top
set blogpostext to blogpostext & "
" --we got it all now
--mail it to wordpress cat linklog, tags all tags, title and body.
--the content of the mail is determined by the Postie plugin settings
--the plugin used in my WordPress
-- cat and title in subject, rest in body: delay to post must come first, then body, then tags after one empty line
set mailsubject to "standard//[Linklog] " & posttitle
set tagtext to ""
repeat with counter from 1 to allnum - 1
set tagtext to tagtext & item counter of alltaglist & ", "
end repeat
set tagtext to tagtext & item allnum of alltaglist
set mailbody to "delay: 1d
set mailbody to mailbody & ":start " & blogpostext & "
tags: " & tagtext --don't use :end delimiter
--now send it as email
tell application "Mail"
set myMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {sender:"", subject:mailsubject, content:mailbody}
tell myMessage
make new to recipient with properties {address:""}
end tell
send myMessage
delay 5 --wait for the mail to be processed
quit --quit Mail as I don't use it for anything else
end tell
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