4 reactions on “BlogWalk 1.0, impressions

  1. Ton,
    Keen to hear your summary of how blogging really helps KM. Perhaps you have pointers to new thinking, KM blogging news and value propositions?

  2. Passion and Profession

    Anjo Anjewierden comes with three postings aptly titled Passion and Profession Passion and Profession I Passion and Profession II Passion and Profession III (which is a nice encore about language being a barrier or not.) He and Lilia and Stephanie…

  3. BlogWalk: Appreciation and On-line Traces

    Right from the very first BlogWalk in 2004, I have always been amazed about the effort in time, travel and money people are willing to make to attend a BlogWalk session. It was no different for me at BlogWalk Eleven,…

  4. BlogWalk: Appreciation and On-line Traces

    Right from the very first BlogWalk in 2004, I have always been amazed about the effort in time, travel and money people are willing to make to attend a BlogWalk session. It was no different for me at BlogWalk Eleven,…

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