This is a second POC attempt to directly post an Obsidian note to my website.

My script still merely grabs the filecontent and title from files created in Obsidian and saved in a predefined folder on my local system and sends it to my Micropub endpoint. But now it should also parse the content for Markdown and turn it into the HTML equivalent.

header 2

header 3

Bold text
Italic text

  • list item
  • another list item
    • indentend list item

Markdown link to my blog

What happens if I have a backticked block in my file

some nonsense here
$string = "stringtext";

As before nothing yet is done yet for tags, categories etc. This is just another attempt to see if the basic process can be made to work.

Screenshot of this posting as I wrote it in markdown in Obsidian

This is a first POC attempt to directly post an Obsidian note to my website.

The script now merely grabs the filecontent and title from files in a predefined folder, and sends it to my Micropub endpoint. **Markdown bold** is not transformed into bold HTML equivalents.
A link is in this text is [Markdown link to my blog]( is not transformed into a HTML hyperlink to my blog.

Nothing is done yet for tags, categories etc. This is just a first attempt to see if the basic process can be made to work.

I added this image of how the original looks in my Obsidian notes after successfully posting the text above using Micropub

In reply to Jij en het Web kunnen meer dan je denkt on

This is a test to see if I have succeeded in adjusting the order of an item’s content in the RSS feed to [my response] [ the stuff i’m responding to]. I do this already in my postings, but not in the feeds. That makes other people’s words pop up in my feed items first, and thus in e.g. my which reposts my feed.