Since the summer I am holding three questions that are related. They all concern what role machine learning and AI could fulfil for an individual or an everyday setting. Everyman’s AI, so to speak.
The first question is a basic one, looking at your house, and immediate surroundings:
1: What autonomous things would be useful in the home, or your immediate neighbourhood?
The second question is more group and community oriented one:
2: What use can machine learning have for civic technology (tech that fosters citizen’s ability to do things together, to engage, participate, and foster community)?
The third question is perhaps more a literary one, an invitation to explore, to fantasise:
3 What would an “AI in the wall” of your home be like? What would it do, want to do? What would you have it do?
(I came across an ‘AI in the wall’ in a book once, but it resided in the walls of a pub. Or rather it ran the pub. It being a public place allowed it to interact in many ways in parallel, so as to not get bored)