On November 25th an international Open Data panel took place at the Swedish Internet Days. On the kind invitation of Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency, I took part in the panel, to present on the current status and coming steps in Open Data in the Netherlands.

I was lucky to join Malte Beyer-Katzenberger (EC), Richard Stirling (ODI), Cathrine Lippert (Digitisation Agency of Denmark), and Daniel Dietrich (OKFN Germany), who also gave their views on Open Data in their respective countries, or the EC’s plans in the case of Malte.
It was great to share a panel with them, as well as to have the opportunity to talk to each other and share our insights, new experiences and examples. Face to face time is scarce, and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time in Stockholm.

Below you will find the videos of the various panel contributions, as well as my own slides.

Malte Beyer-Katzenberger on the open data efforts by the EC

Cathrine Lippert on open data and basic registries in Denmark

Richard Stirling on the ODI’s work in the UK

Ton Zijlstra on open data in the Netherlands

Daniel Dietrich on open data in Germany

After the panel I had the opportunity to catch up with Peter Krantz over lunch. Peter’s a long time advocate for open data in Sweden, and although we had interacted often on-line in the past years, this was the first time we met.