Aaron, Can Granary.io also turn Twitter #topic streams into a feed? I seem to only see examples of personal twitter timeline—>feed. I never look at my timeline really, mostly have #topic columns alerts in my Tweetdeck columns e.g.
Tag: granary
Suggested Reading: Adtech, Scarcity, Offline First, and more
Some links I thought worth reading the past few days
- On how blockchain attempts to create fake scarcity in the digital realm. And why banks etc therefore are all over it: On scarcity and the blockchain by Jaap-Henk Hoepman
- Doc Searl’s has consistently good blogposts about the adtech business, and how it is detrimental to publishers and citizens alike. In this blogpost he sees hope for publishing. His lists on adverts and ad tech I think should be on all our minds: Is this a turning point for publishing?
- Doc Searl’s wrote this one in 2017: How to plug the publishing revenue drain – The Graph – Medium
- In my information routines offline figures prominently, but it usually doesn’t in my tools. There is a movement to put offline front and center as design principle it turns out: Designing Offline-First Web Apps
- Hoodie is a backendless tool for building webapps, with a offline first starting point: hood.ie intro
- A Berlin based company putting offline first as foremost design principle: Neighbourhoodie – Offline First
- And then there are Service Workers, about which Jeremy Keith has just published a book: Going Offline
- Haven’t tested it yet, but this type of glue we need much more of, to reduce the cost of leaving silos, and to allow people to walk several walled gardens at the same time as a precursor to that: Granary