I enjoyed this enormous fantastic mural by Gijs Frieling (and team), exploring human nature in an ever more technological environment.

E and I visited the Kade museum’s exhibit ‘Abrasive Paradise’ yesterday. 150 years ago Mondriaan was born in Amersfoort, and this exhibit is part of the program celebrating that anniversary. As part of this exhibition a number of artists has been asked to create work envisioning earthly paradise (which Mondrian searched for in his abstract structures) starting from this quote:

And the human being? He should not be on his own and also only a part of the whole. When he, thus, no longer feels his individuality, he will be happy in the earthly paradise created by himself. (Piet Mondrian, Paris, 1926)

The Frieling mural was created in a separate building from the Kade museum, the Elleboogkerk (‘Elbow church’).