A week that saw three days that I actually felt were good working days. I did things, enjoyed doing them and didn’t feel stressed. Afterwards I should have allocated time to rest, but didn’t and paid for it with a messy day that had my shoulders lock. I’m slowly improving but the positive habits I […]

Over a week late, but here are the week notes for week 47. I don’t have the inclination lately for these week notes, although at the same time they are a good habit for reflection. As we move towards the end of the year, and the attached psychological effect of organisations thinking it means everything […]

It seems using Micropub to publish to a Gutenberg WordPress site no longer works. For my company’s site, where we use Gutenberg, pushing a new blogpost through Micropub now causes a fatal error and lets the site crash. Removing the offending post fixes it. May well have to do with our use of other plugins […]

In reply to Kann man die Twitter-Uhr zurückstellen? Zum Bluesky-Hype im österreichischen Journalismus by Heinz Wittenbrink Du hast denke ich recht Heinz das der Umzug von Journalisten in Richtung Bluesky eine verpasste Chance ist. Aber nicht nur für die Journalisten selbst als individuelle Professionals. Ich verstehe nicht warum Zeitungen und Medien nicht selbst eine kleine […]

A full week, in which my cold stayed around taking away energy and focus. Also a few urgent unexpected things to attend to. So I didn’t get around to my own stuff much, mostly responding to things landing on my plate. This week I Prepared and then hosted the bimonthly session of the Interprovincial Ethics […]