This is a project I started in December 2019 for myself. The goal is to create my own “ideal” bookmarking tool. If and when it works it might be useful as a service to others too. I optimistically registered a domain name for that eventuality:
I see three layers to it:
- individual bookmark collections,
- a social layer like Delicious used to have,
- and a visualisation and analysis layer.
The latter is something that currently doesn’t exist as far as I’m aware (though examples of analysing / visualising bookmark collections do exist, just not as a regular feature of a bookmarking tool)
Key elements I am taking as starting points for the design:
- Can be used offline (working with bookmarks that is, not the bookmarking itself obviously)
- Fully based on PHP/Mysql as most commonly available web infrastructure
- Useful stand-alone
- More useful if connected to others (why?)
- Using IndieWeb protocols for connection and interaction where useful
- GDPR compliant, and on EU based servers (why?)
First I will attempt to build something I can and want to use myself. After that I’ll decide on adding the ‘social’ part, and beyond that the visualisation / analytical part across multiple collections.
I want to approach this in a number of small sprints, otherwise it will never happen. Two week sprints, with 13 of them to get to a working prototype for myself.
The first sprint is doing a first general plan working backwards from the imagined final service to first steps.
Currently imagined elements to sprint towards:
- General plan working backwards from imagined result
- Basic database design
- Basic API creation
- Import my Delicious archive through API
- Display page
- First add bookmark form
- First bookmarklet
- Basic timeline view of bookmarks and tags
- First search form
- Attempt Threading, for e.g. a Linkpost, or as input for a draft blog posting
- Parse original metadata / microformats of a bookmark
- Put a saved bookmark in for a permanent external reference (might not work for paywalled pages)
- Save the full page of a bookmark locally (to not bump into linkrot/paywall later, and for local full text search options)