Bookmarked Second Life was ahead of its time (by Neville Hobson) I’ve thought regularly about Second Life in the past months with all the hyped up Metaverse talk. In a Dutch post last November (machine translated link) I wrote: Sitting around a virtual table with Zuck’s avatar to have the same video call conversation on […]

In private conversations in the Brainstorms community we regularly comment on the emptiness of Second Life you usually experience when walking through that virtual world. For a workshop today I tried to pinpoint where that feeling of emptiness comes from a bit better. First the numbers. Linden Lab currently reports that SL is about 700 […]

Last december I was interviewed for Elseviers weekly, sort of the Dutch version of Time Magazine, regarding Second Life. In the past week the resulting cover story was published, which prompted me to write a miniseries about Second Life on our company blog. The previous, this and the coming posting are translations of those postings. […]

Last december I was interviewed for Elseviers weekly, sort of the Dutch version of Time Magazine, regarding Second Life. In the past week the resulting cover story was published, which prompted me to write a miniseries about Second Life on our company blog. This and the coming posting(s) are translations of those postings. The hype […]