The first full week of the new year, in which I returned to work. This week I Found it hard to get up at my usual early time. Did most of the company invoicing for the last part of 2024. This allows determining the total turnover and the amount set aside for our team as […]

On a mailing list last week someone mentioned they had a subscription to the university library of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. It turns out that Dutch universities offer outsiders access to their libraries. The conditions may vary, I don’t know. Utrecht University being nearest to us, I checked out if they offer a similar service. […]

Yesterday my new colleague J. successfully defended their PhD thesis at Delft University. It was fun to attend. It’s been a while since I was last at a PhD defense. The location was the Senate haal in the brutalist Aula building. Visiting the Aula while I was orienting myself on which university to attend as […]

The first week (partially) in the new year. It was still mostly a week off from work. This week I Did some end of year financial transactions on Monday. Read stuff on the Art of Memory forum after reading Memory Craft by Lynne Kelley. A lot of the material is like on PKM fora, it […]