The first full week of the new year, in which I returned to work.

This week I

  • Found it hard to get up at my usual early time.
  • Did most of the company invoicing for the last part of 2024. This allows determining the total turnover and the amount set aside for our team as team bonus (10% of our revenue above the budgeted break even point of the company in a year is paid out to the team).
  • Did the final tax returns for the company over 2023.
  • Removed the christmas tree from the living room. It was picked up by the local grower that puts it back in the soil on his land. The tree will come back to us next December.
  • Had the weekly client meetings but from home as I didn’t feel too well.
  • Went to Delft, where our recent new hire J defended their PhD thesis. Beforehand I had lunch in Delft with my colleague P. J’s promotor I know through my work for the interprovincial ethics committee and in his congratulatory speech to the new doctor he mentioned us favourably as J’s employer, a kind thing to do. I very much enjoyed the debate at J’s PhD defense.
  • Had a meeting with DG ENV and DG CNECT representatives of the EC to talk about the potential role of the European (Green Deal) data space in SMEs making data available for the corporate sustainability reporting and due diligence requirements that larger entities in their supply chains have.
  • Took delivery of four linocut prints by Diana Huijts of jazz musicians. They were on my wishlist for a good number of years already (2016). During the holidays I noticed she still had a few of each 10 piece run left, and decided to splurge. Not that I know where to hang them yet ….
  • Went to the university library in Utrecht and became a member.
  • Enjoyed strolling around the city center as the sun was out.
  • Had a conversation with the director of the Defend Democracy foundation, based in Brussels, discussing their work and governance.
  • Made a good number of notes for my ‘Garden of the Forking Paths’ concept collection at the heart of my PKM system. Based on reading earlier in 2024.
  • Went to see the movie Wicked with E and Y. Long but beautifully made. Afterwards we enjoyed a late Sunday lunch in town in a place we hadn’t been to before and which was a pleasant surprise w.r.t. atmosphere and quality.
  • Finished reading In Ascension by Martin MacInnes, which was longlisted for the Booker Prize 2023. Enjoyable novel.

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