A pretty ok week given the circumstances, in which I mostly aimed for rest after admitting to myself and others I feel burned out. That admission itself created mental space that lasted me through the week, aided by the fact that Thursday was a national holiday meaning nobody was in my inbox really after Wednesday.

This week I

  • started with informing my team of my situation.
  • had a conversation with the Netherlands Space Office whether they have a role in implementing the EU High Value Data regulation or not. Most likely not, but it may still depend on how they shape some of their contracts.
  • had the weekly client meetings, after informing them about my mental state.
  • wrote updates of my notes (and corresponding client website) about the EU data laws and their implementation.
  • had a spontaneous nosebleed Wednesday morning after getting up, that simply didn’t go away whatever I tried. After 30mins I woke up E to call the doctor, and when their initial suggestions didn’t help, went to their offices when they opened. Meanwhile the bleeding had gone on for 2hrs, and it also came out of my left eye through my tear duct. Just when the GP suggested going to hospital to have the bleeding stopped by burning it closed, inserting a plug high up like what felt into my forehead. I kept that in until evening, and when I removed it luckily the bleeding didn’t start anew. I’ve never had anything like this before. Our 8yr old thought we had been in a horror movie, because horror characters also bleed from the eyes she said.
  • had our home to myself Thursday through Saturday, as E took Y for a stay with her (grand)parents. That was pleasant and relaxing, only have to take care of myself, cooking very spicy food, and mostly reading books in different spots around the house and garden. Friday morning I went to Utrecht to pick up a book I ordered and visited another bookstore I hadn’t been in before, sipped a coffee, and enjoyed the sunshine. Returned home for more reading.
  • went to the Hoge Veluwe national park with E and Y, cycling, as well as walking in the sculpture garden of the Kröller-Müller museum that is located within the park. Enjoyed hanging out with the three of us, and thankful that E arranged this little trip. E also gave me more books as birthday gifts.

We had a lovely day at the Hoge Veluwe national park last weekend.

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