Y had a week off from school, so we all spent more time at home and we planned some things to do together.

This week I:

  • Did some digital onboarding of a new team member. I need to look at the checklists in the company’s memory (a website we maintain as FAQ/resource) if they are good enough to be able to outsource this to other team members when needed. One of those elements where I want to remove myself as potential bottleneck.
  • Visited the monthly meet-up of the Dutch ‘digital fitness’ community, with several show and tell sessions about pkm methods and processes.
  • Decided to do an Obsidian user meet-up on December 18th in Utrecht.
  • Had additional conversations to discuss further details of the March 2024 European PKM Summit, that I will be assisting as a program curator, and that December PKM meet-up where I will host an Obsidian show&tell.
  • Had the weekly client meetings.
  • Continued working on setting up meetings between the interprovincial ethics committee and political leaders of the provinces. To get acquainted, hear topics of interest, and to build the relations so that published advice will more easily find the way to being used for decision making.
  • Explored a recent European Commission report on the creation of the common Energy Data Space. This report comes from the energy directorate, unlike other material which originates with the DG CNECT that are the source of the EU digital and data strategies and corresponding legislation.
  • As the weather was nice, took Y outside Tuesday afternoon on her inline skates. We picked up one of her friends, and had a drink at the local Bagel&Beans. Besties hanging out, which was fun to see.
  • Had the monthly half day all-hands meet-up of our team. My former (2010-2014) business partners at StoryConnect were visiting to discuss how their and our work overlaps. Also Keith Fortowsky was over from Canada, so I briefly met up with him too.
  • Read the Cyber Resilience Act, as there’s some noise about how it would undermine open source projects.
  • Visited the Corpus museum in Leiden which is a tour through the human body explaining various bodily systems. Y enjoyed it a lot.
  • Visited the local CoderDojo with Y and E. Y had a ‘programming day’ at school recently and I suggested visiting the CoderDojo as a follow-up.
  • Spent a day in Eindhoven with the three of us at Dutch Design Week, a 9 day festival of design across many disciplines with well over 300.000 visitors each year. Both E and I may return later next week individually to explore certain parts in more detail.

Satirical ‘Emergency firearm’ for public spaces, so any ‘good guy with a gun’ can use it. 2023 work by Anton Arnqvist, Lund University, School of Industrial Design. Seen at Dutch Design Week.