The end of August is fast approaching even though this week most of my clients were still away.
It was Y’s first week of school in the new year, and thus time for the annual photo.

This week I

  • Cycled with Y to school every morning
  • Did some outreach to various people to make an overview of groups engaged with the European data spaces. Put that up on a website so that others can contribute to it.
  • With colleagues did planning and structuring as our digital ethics work for a law enforcement entity is growing significantly.
  • Had a weekly client meeting in our own offices. The client’s office is being renovated, so the team I work with is relocating to my company’s offices for the time.
  • Properly restarted my work after the summer for the interprovincial ethics committee, with colleague F doing the preparations for an event late September.
  • Went shopping with E in Utrecht for some shirts and shoes, now that the summer of t-shirt wearing is over.
  • With Y made plans for E’s birthday next week.
  • Paid the monthly salaries to our team
  • Was interviewed by a researcher from TU Delft on non-technological obstacles in the provision of open government data. It was good to talk to them, we hadn’t in quite a few years. Also they gave me some pointers for the network mapping I’m doing for the EU data strategy. Immediately followed that up with sending out e-mails.
  • With a colleague responded to reviewer’s comments on the open data portal maturity scan we filled out fon behalf of the Dutch govenrment. A final review round will be next month.
  • Met with two people form the Cadastral office’s newly created ethics board. We’ll meet in person next week.
  • Had dinner with dear friends celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary. I officiated and was a witness at their wedding in Tuscany in 2018. The dinner was with the other witnesses and their partners. Good to see everyone again and share stories.
  • Had a long conversation with an Austrian entrepreneur about their views on the Austrian landscape of stakeholders around the European data strategy. Good to catch up. The Austrian network as it was back in the early open data days is no longer active although individual entities and people still are.
  • During the weekend started reading and annotating in the book ‘Information’ I bought last week in Groningen
  • After the summer hiatus slowly got more into reading and annotating again.

Burnt out rental e-scooter, rental e-bike and a private bicycle. Rental e-scooters have been burnt in many places around town in the past few years. Probably because they get parked / left everywhere irritating everybody else. This was at the railway station, Tuesday morning. (Image Ton Zijlstra, license CC BY NC SA)