This week was a calm one, as mentioned this has not been the case for a long time. No external pressures or deadlines meant I could plan my own week. I had almost forgotten how that felt.
This week I

  • With E made a plan for our top floor work space, went to Ikea to test a few things, and ordered new furniture to implement the plan. It will be delivered next week. The plan is to make sure that all things that have to do with making things, crafts, electronics etc. can take place there. That was the intention of the space all along, but it never quite worked out that way yet. Mostly because I originally made it look too office-like I feel. Now we’ll have a lot of drawers for all the stuff and tools, and a long table to work on.
  • Had the weekly client meetings
  • Found the calm and time to write a bunch of Notions/Notes that I hadn’t gotten around to in the past months. That felt very good to do.
  • Did the Q4 book keeping for the VAT returns due early next week.
  • Made a year plan how to support the interprovincial ethics committee that launched last week
  • Got invited to provide a keynote at the EuroGeographics general assembly and conference in March. EuroGeographics are the National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities of the European countries. Looking forward to it.
  • Did some onboarding admin for our new colleague who will start mid next week.
  • Did some work on the Dutch guid I maintain on EU data legislation and data space initiatives
  • Went through a client’s digital transformation program plans, in order to provide some feedback next week
  • Had a conversation with the JRC on how to move forward with renewed MoU and collaboration with a client
  • Spent a day at my company’s office for the monthly all hands meet-up
  • Participated in the ethics working group meeting of all provinces.
  • with E watched Y do her preliminary first swimming exam (the real one is in two weeks).
  • after a conversation with E started listing and scouting out how to do AI stuff yourself, using tools that have been created ethically, and can be run without provding your own feedback into the learning loops. Turns out there are a few highly interesting European initiatives that strive to do just that. To be continued.

Hopefully next week I am able to make time for some blogging. It’s been two months or more I wrote a regular blogpost.

Y made paper snakes today, and invited me to make one with her too: the long tricolored snake is our collaborative effort. It’s been easily 40+ yrs since I last made one, it was fun. The three snakes on the right form a family, the child is the one having the colors of both others because. Because heredity, Y said.