Last year we had a new ‘adopted’ Christmas tree, tree number 0525. After Christmas it was returned to the soil with the grower’s, so we could come collect it again this year. However the heat waves last summer have not been kind to 0525, and at the grower’s suggestion we came to have a look, finding it yellow and brownish.
We selected a replacement, labelled tree 4724. It will be delivered to our door next week. To be returned to the field early January.
Our tree with label number 4724, this morning at the grower’s
@ton what % of his returned trees prospered?
@billseitz our first one we had five years. Then it became too big for our ceiling. The second one lasted one season as I mentioned. We’ll see what this one does. Looking through the field today ours was worse off than most others, but about ten percent I would guess looked similar to ours. I should mail the grower to ask about churn.