Favorited Yes! My IndieBlocks plugin is now up on WP.org by Jan Boddez
Oh, nice! Jan has been working on his own WordPress plugins w.r.t. IndieWeb for some time and now released some of that work as a public plugin. Current IndieWeb set-ups do not support the Gutenberg editor in WordPress as blocks are not supported. Jan’s plugin is created for blocks. Will need to try this out (also because my recent presentation at WordCamp on making WP IndieWeb compatible by default played a small role). Nice timing Jan, releasing it just so it can dominate my weekend 😀
Current version offers a single “Context” block, and, optionally, (1) some custom post types, and (2) the ability to add microformats2 to block-based (!) themes. More is on the way.
Jan Boddez
Also on IndieWeb News
@ton Thanks! Laat maar weten als je vragen hebt, blocks zijn sowieso even wennen, block templates voor custom post types nog meer, en de full-site editor al helemaal. Ik plan nog een site met wat documentatie en zo. (En om een aantal keuzes wat explicieter te ‘verantwoorden’, en uit te leggen hoe deze plugin met de bestaande ‘IndieWeb-suite’ samenwerkt, en welke andere plugins hij eventueel *zou kunnen* vervangen.)
In reply to https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2022/10/indieweb-plugin-for-wordpress-blocks/.
Ton, thanks for noting this on your weblog, I am using the IndieBlocks plugin to create this reply, I will see how it goes!
It worked!