Last week I was too busy and tired to write my week notes, so I skipped them. Meaning a double helping this week. There’s a lot going on at the moment, and I don’t feel fully on top of things. Next week looks mostly the same, as does the week after it. Need to get more strict in defending my own time, also for going through what I saw someone describe as ‘the introvert’s hangover’ after intensive interaction.

The previous week I

  • Did the administrative (tax, payroll info) and tooling steps (new laptop and software) to onboard a new hire, who started this week
  • Prepared a session with all major Dutch gov geo data holders at the end of the month, with those responsible at the Ministry for the Interior
  • Spent a day and a half with a client on their yearly retreat, discussing next year and their new multiyear planning
  • Emptied our top floor so new ceiling high cupboards could be constructed
  • Made a new iteration for the plans for a interprovincial digital ethics commission, and presented it to the first tier of the decision making process
  • Presented some work I did 2 years ago to the same client team now they have largely new people
  • Spent a day at the office, meeting our new hire and working with our team
  • Felt ill for a day
  • Started a major rewrite of a project proposal for a police organisation on AI ethics
  • Took Y to her swimming lesson
  • Outlined my presentation for Netherlands WordCamp, and started on making slides
  • Went to the zoo with E and Y

The past week I

  • Finished a major rewrite of a project proposal for a police organisation on AI ethics, discussed it with 2 colleagues, concluding it needs more rewriting still (which I didn’t get around to this week)
  • Drove a car full of stuff to the city’s recycling station, much more to do
  • Had the weekly client meetings
  • Discussed presenting to a client’s board on short notice, early next week
  • Made a new iteration for the plans for a interprovincial digital ethics commission, and presented it to the second tier of the decision making process. Made and shared a longlist of potential members of such a commission.
  • Had a great conversation with the national environmental institute on their national citizen science platform, and the plans they want to develop for it.
  • Started outlining my opening keynote for the Belgian national geo-information conference early next month in Brussels. Booked travel for it.
  • Discussed salary changes with two team members and decided on new pay levels.
  • Spent a day at Netherlands WordCamp, presenting about how IndieWeb could be part of WordPress
  • Took Y to her swimming lesson
  • Started outlining three presentations I am supposed to give early next week