. @davewiner Great that Drummer works with OPML includes. What if an include itself includes its includer? Does Drummer check for that? Thinking about including blogrolls of those I follow and they doing same, but some follow me meaning they’d include something that includes them.
it depends on the context. what are you asking drummer to do?
On the other hand, I’d suggest you just try it and see if it works.
yes, will try it out (nested opml includes one of which points to the ‘top’ file again as an include)
i understand but what are you trying to do — are you rendering it somehow? is there some software looping over it? if not, it’ll just do what you think it should, you’ll end up with the same thing included within itself. it’s up to you to figure out what that means.
tested, and it does as you say. It loads the include when you click it in the including file. I thought it might ‘runaway’ if it loads includes automatically before clicking, then you might get and endless loop. 1/2
that’s why i was asking the context. in some situations it will iterate. but i’m not even sure there are any in drummer. maybe searching? i don’t know.
What I’m playing around with is: A blog shares their feeds, but in the opml includes links to the opml feed sets of those blogs, who do that too etc. If enough of the blogs one follows do that, you’d get an explorable ‘social graph’ of sorts.
anyway if it were to start looping infinitely eventually it would fail, you could just close the tab and try again.
like here in line 22 zylstra.org/wp/wp-content/…
Would it be possible to convert a set of OPML to GraphML?
i don’t know. why do you want to do it?