I had envisioned to start this week, after my off time, gently with a day to take stock of everything that I’m working on, decide the rough plans for the coming weeks, month and quarter. And only then dive back into meetings etc. What I hadn’t realised during my vacation was that I had a Monday morning meeting that pre-empted any stock taking, and immediately launched me into a meeting schedule after which I found myself on Thursday afternoon. I took a long nap then. It felt uncomfortable because I wasn’t behind the steering wheel of this week’s calendar, but the calendar was steering me. Note to self: block 2 days after a holiday in my calendar to keep them free of meetings.

This week, as stated mostly in the shape of too many meetings I:

  • Had a half day session with my business partners, talking about financials and the coming months
  • Did a half day training session on ethics in technology use, using Peter Paul Verbeek‘s mediation theory. The course is less about the ethics, and more about a workshop format to translate ethical notions to perspectives of agency around the use of a technology.
  • Had an annual review conversation with one of our team, which also was great to discuss where our entire team can look for personal development.
  • Had the usual weekly client meetings
  • Discussed whether a client wants and can participate in a European tender, and with which goals and conditions.
  • Finished reading Neal Stephenson’s Termination Shock
  • Started home cooking my own personal Micropub client