Recently I created a proof of concept of publishing book lists, what I’ve read, what I plan to read etc., using OPML. Andy Sylvester picked it up and created his own list, as a way of experimenting with federated bookshelves. He used the XSLT style sheet I created to be able to render the OPML file in a human readable way in your browser. It seems to work, although it doesn’t render in the browser yet.
. The XSLT file must be hosted on the same domain as the OPML file, otherwise it triggers cross-site scripting protections. It should work properly if you download the XSLT I use and put it on your own host.
Hosting the XSLT style sheet also allows you to adapt one other detail: right now there are some tweaks in my version based on the author name of a collection or feed. If it is my name it renders as ‘my list’ and otherwise as ‘list I follow’. When you self host the style sheet you can change the mentions of my name to yours and it will make the proper distinction between your lists and lists you follow.
@ton Dave Winer would be proud
// @andysylvester
Now to think how this might tie into @manton ’s new bookshelf feature.
Have to say I like the idea of exposing OPML lists in human readable form
Podcast exports
News feed exports
@JohnPhilpin thank you, yes, doing it this way was an evolution of already exposing my opml list of rss subscriptions in machine and human readable form simultaneously, turning that OPML list into my blogroll as well.
@ton have you documented how exactly you do that ?
@JohnPhilpin yes, blogged it at the time On my blog you’ll see the link to the blogroll in the right sidebar.
@ton @JohnPhilpin I found that my web hosting needs to have the extension of the file be .xml instead of .opml to be able to render it. I am investigating how to update the MIME types on my web host.
@ton Thankyou
@AndySylvester literally just change the extension? Nothing else?
@JohnPhilpin yes, that was all that was needed, looking into the MIME type thing, just posted about it.