I have a new public key for you to communicate with me using encryption. The old key expired more than a year ago, and replacing it lingered ever deeper down my todo list since. Playing with delta.chat the past days highlighted everything encryption on that todo list however.
You can find my new public key’s permanent (and microformatted) download link on the right hand side in the about section.
The new key’s ID is (FE213A18)6E5FA4B1, it’s fingerprint is CB71 BA8F 996F 4107 8241 8754 FE21 3A18 6E5F A4B1
The new key is also listed / available from my Keybase profile.
The previous key (which, if it is on your keychain, already should have been marked expired in your software) is no longer in use. It’s key ID is B3A0124E, it’s fingerprint is 2AC1 2B74 44AC 6FB7 DACC 6FCF E865 E278 B3A0 124E