I’ve known about Bandcamp for a long time. They’ve been active since 2007 after all. On occasion I would go there and listen to a few tracks after others pointed to them, but never quite got as far as registering as a user or buying some music there.
Yesterday during a conversation with Boris Mann on a side path we talked about a Bandcamp plugin for Spotify so you can go to an artist directly. Nudged by that exchange I finally registered, and bought some music as well. Marco Raaphorst, one of the Dutch bloggers I follow, and fellow Open Nederland / Creative Commons Dutch chapter member, offers his music through Bandcamp too.

One reaction on “

  1. @ton Bandcamp is a wonderful place. It offers ‘slow discovery’, a bit like micro.blog, by finding others that bought a certain release and seeing what else they purchased. I discovered and supported so many bands in 2020 from some relaxed evenings browsing their site.

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